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The Product of ABAS
ABAS Tainung 71
500 ml 39.6% vol
Main ingredients: Organic rice
ABAS Organic Rice Shochu is crafted using organic Tainung No. 71 rice. Through the distillation process, the unique aromas of rice and rice koji are perfectly concentrated within. As the liquor touches the palate, a subtle and elegant sweetness emerges, gently spreading between the lips and teeth. It's a more intense and multi-layered rice shochu, rich in flavor.
萃.陳釀梅酒 Gathering
700 ml 18% vol
主要原料 稻米
售價 NT.2100
融合台灣高粱酒與南投烏龍茶茶香,浸泡臺中生產的梅子,歷經五年細膩釀造,再於美國百大波本桶中陳釀兩年,時間與工藝交織,成就極致陳年梅酒。 波本桶賦予這瓶梅酒多層次的靈魂,層疊的香氣包含柑橘、奶油、椰子、香草、堅果與蜂蜜,並伴隨木質調與香草的細膩餘韻。 這瓶梅酒不僅凝聚時間的淬鍊,更傳遞風味薈萃的匠心。
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